The Sustainable Market features a selection of London-based ethical and sustainable businesses, crafters and makers. 


Could this be you?

We’re always searching for passionate, independent traders to join the Angel Central Sustainable Market family. We look for traders who are independent, local, and making positive steps towards their environmental impact.

The Sustainable Market features a selection of traders all with their unique sustainable spin, and all available in one place at Angel Central. This year the Sustainable Market has grown and will be hosted on 78 dates.

Exactly what makes a business ‘sustainable’ can vary by person and by scale. It’s hard to define, and we don’t believe in a tick-box approach to who and what can be a part of the Sustainable Market.


Here are some examples of what this might look like:

  • Your products have been made using water reducing processes
  • Your products are made from renewable, sustainable, recycled or organic materials
  • Your products avoid single use packaging and plastics
  • Your products are vegan or aim to reduce consumption of animal products
  • You volunteer goods or services to local community groups and initiatives, or fundraise for sustainable causes


Apply here:

We ask that the actions you have taken to be a sustainable trader are accessible to our customers. Please confirm that these are visible on your website